Lose weight with better sleep

Many people believe that hunger is related to willpower and learning to control the call of your stomach, but that's incorrect. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that sleeping less than six hours triggers the area of your brain that increases your need for food.

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Kathryn Pinkham
Why can’t I lose weight?

Poor sleep affects fitness and wellness more than people might think. Not sleeping enough – less than seven hours per night – can reduce or even undo the benefits of dieting. A lack of sleep makes you feel tired and groggy, and it does the same thing to your fat cells.

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Kathryn Pinkham
Therapy versus pills?

We have all been there, starting at the ceiling wondering why we can’t sleep. For some us this can become a regular occurrence leading to chronic insomnia which is most commonly treated with sleeping pills from your GP.

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Kathryn Pinkham